Empowering women and children


INTERVENTION: Children at Risk


Children At Risk


A society which neglects its children is like a tree with dead roots. In our society, like that of many in the third world, rarely are there structures which encourage the healthy growth of the future of the nation.


One difference between the developed and the developing nations is the way children’s issues are addressed. Deprivation of children means deprivation of society as the whole in future years.


Economics in the developing world will become stronger once we address the needs of children and the family. This means that attitudes towards children should be changed.


At Kids Foundation, we focus on children at risk. We get young people to define their needs and contribute to program planning.


We want to meet the goals of “A World Fit for Children,” and the Millennium Development Goals.




Major Activities:


Modern Multi-Educational Learning Centre Facility Development

Weekend and Holiday School

Anti-Child Labour and Trafficking Campaign

Other Education



Development of a Learning Centre (Child Development Laboratory).

This intervention will involve the establishment of a modern child development resource centre.  It will be equipped with library, computers, a TV room and meeting/conference room and a modern play ground.



Weekend and Holiday School.

Organization of weekend and holiday school for deprived children in the district to enhance their performance in the BECE examinations. This teaching will focus on handwriting, reading and spelling skills, mathematics and science.



Anti-Child Labour and Trafficking Campaign:

Anti-child labour, trafficking and streetwise advocacy.  Capacity building for traditional authorities and religious bodies. Availability of anti-child labour and trafficking information and education for everybody including parents.  The development and application of culturally sensitive behavioural change communication (BCC) strategies.


The program will help change actions of people and accept the fact that our children are the building blocks of our future societies.



Other Education:

Education on life planning skills and HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB.   The provision of a well-furnished Teachers’ Resource Centre with a seating capacity of 150.